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|   N E x T   S C E N A R I O S   |

One single vehicle, a thousand uses.

NExT is the most flexible solution on the market,

adapting to multiple scenarios and giving outstanding advantages due to its modularity and capacity in a unique form factor.

Here how NExT can compete with buses,

taxi and cargo vans and trucks.

n e x t   i s

t h e  s t e m   c e l l

 o f   t r a n s p o r t a t i o n

f l e x i b l e

c a p a c i t y   b u s 

Modularity is applicable right now with immediate benefits before self-driving will become legal.

|   Just one bus driver for up to
80 passengers  |
|   From 15% to
75% less energy consumption   |
|   Virtually
no charging off-time    |
|    Repurposable Idle Vehicles for car-sharing, logistics and services    |

Passengers can redistribute in motion between joined pods guaranteeing the following optimization

|   costs cut by more than 50%  |

|   zero stops to group multiple passengers   |

|   80% less traffic generated   |

Here a video of the pilot projects in Padua done with our previous generation prototypes

"In-Motion-Logistics-Redistribution" means:

|  Faster & Cheaper Delivery  |
Less Static Warehouses  |
Less Infrastructure Costs  |

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