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"Autonomous vehicles are on the horizon"

"Next Visionaries"

"Self-Driving Pods Could Be The Future Of Public Transportation"

"Tech innovators reshaping transit"

"Why Should Your Self-Driving Car Look Like A Car?"

"A futuristic cross between Uber and the city bus"

"These self-driving pods could change how we travel"

"Next Future modular transportation swarms the commuting hordes"

"L’autobus componibile e autonomo"

"Dubai's big plans to revolutionize how we travel"

"These self-driving pods might be the future of public transportation"

"New innovation"

"Rooms on wheels"

"Les transports de demain"

"Diese fahrenden Kisten sollen den Verkehr revolutionieren"

"Next transportation concept would improve traffic fluidity and commuting time"

"L’autobus del futuro è servito"

"Dieser rollende Roboter ist Taxi, Auto und Straßenbahn in einem"

"Public transportation reimagined"

"In futuro viaggeremo nei moduli intelligenti"

"Self-Driving Car Swarms!"

"La voiture autonome n'est qu'une petite révolution comparée à Next"

"Avec ce concept, la voiture sans chauffeur prend déjà un coup de vieux"

"L’auto del futuro ideata da due talenti italiani"

"Moduli componibili. Elettrici e intelligenti"

"Startupper italiani inventano le auto del futuro"

"le auto elettriche diventano moduli intelligenti"

"Das Transport-System is modular und doch durchgängig"

"Is NEXT the next big thing in transportation?"

"The Next Future System Uses Pods That Link Up Together"

"One Designer’s Vision for Driverless, On-Demand Pods"

"changing the future of transportation in Silicon Valley"

"La voiture du futur autonome et modulable pour désengorger nos villes"

"un systeme de transport intelligent base sur des essaims de vehicules auto conduits modulaires"

"NEXT Makes Smart Transportation A Reality"

"Next is working to design road transport of the future"

"One Day We Might Travel In On-Demand Autonomous Pods"

"Next V3.0 Is A Future Modular Vehicle That Does Not Look Like A Car"

"The car of the future may look nothing like a car"

"Imagine going to work in a driverless, electric pod?"

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